4/6/8 Inches EC Duct Fan With Controller
4/6/8 Inches EC Duct Fan With Controller
4 Inches EC Duct Fan With Controller
4/6/8 Inches EC Duct Fan With Controller
4/6/8 Inch EC Duct Fan With Rotary Switch
6 Inch EC Duct Fan With Controller
8 Inch EC Duct Fan With Controller

4/6/8 Inches EC Duct Fan Ine Controller

  1. Yakagadzirirwa kufefetedza hydroponic kukura makamuri, kutamisa kudziyisa / kutonhora, inotonhorera AV mawadhiropu, uye kunhuhwirira kwemhepo.
  2. Akangwara anodzora ane tembiricha uye humidity programming, fan yekumhanyisa kudzora, timer, uye alarm system.
  3. Musanganiswa wekuyerera dhizaini yakasanganiswa nePWM-inodzorwa DC kana EC-motor kuti iite yakanyarara uye ine simba rinoita basa.
  4. Kit inosanganisirawo corded sensor probe, AC simba plug, maviri duct clamps, uye inodiwa inokwirisa hardware.
Inquiry wholesale Tsanangudzo
(Mobile terminal: Svedza pepa kurudyi kuti uone zvimwe)
Size Dimensions(mu.) Kuyerera kwemhepo (CFM) Noise (dBA) Bearings
4inch 6.9 x 11.9 x 7.4 205 28 Dual Bhora
6inch 7.9 x 12.6 x 8.4 402 32 Dual Bhora
8inch 8.5 x 11.9 x 9.2 807 39 Dual Bhora

Mamwe mavara: yero uye girini

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Yakakurudzirwa Zvigadzirwa

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